CONFIRMATION is the sacrament which roots us more deeply in divine relationship. It incorporates us more firmly into Christ, strengthens our bond with the church, associates us more closely with her mission and helps us bear witness to the Christian faith in words and deeds.
Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation together make up the Sacraments of Initiation. When we receive the sacrament of Confirmation, we receive the full outpouring of the Holy Spirit granted to the Apostles on the day of Pentecost.
Essential to the Rite of Confirmation are:
The anointing on the forehead with holy chrism
The laying on of hands with the words, “Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit”
The sign of Peace
If you are an adult (18 years and older) who has received Baptism in the Catholic Church and would like to receive formation for the Sacrament of Confirmation please click here to complete the registration form.
If you are an adult who has not received Baptism in the Catholic Church but would like to receive formation to join the Catholic Church, please refer to our web page on the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults.